Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Long time coming

So it's been a while. Right now we have a lot of things going on and I really do not know where to start.  We have gone through things from, having to move out of the apartment in to Matt's moms house to moving back out to me having issues with school and Matt's issues at work sometimes! And things got a little overwhelming for a while. 

We are now going through something that could change both of our lives forever! Can't really mention it but I just know that it is going to be rough, but hopefully after next Tuesday we will know everything we need to know. 

On a lighter note, I had to be out of school for a while but I have found that I am able to do reentry and I can get back on track with graduation. The bad news is that they have added things to the curriculum and I have to take like eight extra classes but hey it will be worth it in the end. I just hate looking like a failure to everyone. I just need to focus on me and do what I need to do and get things going and don't let anything stop me! I CAN DO IT! 

Matt and I have been having a much better relationship lately. I think we are both growing and trying to get through everything as best we can and we realize that we need each other more than we have ever realized before. I love him with all my heart and I will do anything for him and we will get through anything thrown our way. I know we can overcome these new obstacles in our life. Love can work wonders!